The MNY Spotlight

A hero has a crazy idea; people doubt her...


"A hero has a crazy idea; people doubt her; she leaves the village to pursue her vision, faces untold obstacles, falls into an abyss, barely escapes death, but manages to come out the other side with whatever she was looking for and continues on her journey to an eventual triumphant return.”

 - Guy Raz

Overwhelmed and excited, but scared. That is my current mindset. As we come out of this pandemic Louisa and I have reached a state of exhilaration for the future of this brand we created.  We're a small business that managed to survive, navigating all known obstacles thrown our way, and here we are on the other side ready to grow. 

We both admitted to each other the day feeling like imposters and pretenders, both doubting our abilities to take this company to the next level.  The goals we have set for ourselves are lofty, can we even do it?  Are we really the ones to steer this ship?  These feelings of fear reminded me of another Guy Raz quote. When I read it for the first time it gave me chills. 

“A hero has a crazy idea; people doubt her; she leaves the village to pursue her vision, faces untold obstacles, falls into an abyss, barely escapes death, but manages to come out the other side with whatever she was looking for and continues on her journey to an eventual triumphant return.”

It made me realize that we are writing the story of our own hero’s journey and we are right in the middle of it. We had our own little crazy idea, and many doubted us. We faced untold obstacles: failed collections, bad production batches, lost inventory. We fell into the abyss and barely escaped “death” that was this pandemic: cancelled orders, losing our office space, scraping by on fumes, just to keep the company running.  Now here we are, coming out the other side of said failures and barriers, ready to continue our journey. We have found what we were looking for, and our eventual triumph is finally within our sites. So now what?  

Follow the baby steps we have taken to get here. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.  Make a plan. Get it right. Keep going.


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